Historical/Fantasy Worldbuilding Resources:

[ACOUP Blog]
A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry is a great blog in general, lots of stuff to read and resources

Another blog full of useful resources and posts

[Behind The Name]
Name etymology

[Feudal Terminology]
Glossary of fuedal era terms

[Medieval Price List]
How much stuff cost back in ye olden day

[Medieval Prices and Wages]
More costs! I like to run very mercantile games

[Medieval English Wages and Prices]
You'll never guess, but its even MORE prices

[Firewood Calculator]
Might seem too granular, I wouldn't be a very fun GM for you if you think that

[Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions]
Questions to get the juices flowin

[Watabou's Procgen Arcana]
Procedural Map making tools, Watabou is great

[Eigengrau's Generator]
Fantasy town generator, mostly focused on demographics

[Medieval Demographics Tool]
A tool for generating medieval demographics

[Donjon Medieval Demographics Tool]
Honestly just check out everything here, Donjon has a ton of good tools

[Sometimes Reddit doesn't totally suck]
A reddit thread about the amount of land needed to support one person, good to keep in mind when designing your fantasy world


Website by Xenosapient
Free to use, idgaf