Shadowrun Homebrew pt1

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The "Part 1" is more hopeful, than anything, that I actually come back and flesh out some of my thoughts and homebrew rules to be presentable.
I run most of my shadowrun games in shadowrun 5e, set a bit forward of the "canonical" approximate timeline the edition takes place in. Mostly so I can develop some of the more experimental or prototype tech into more maintstream consumer availability, so my players can actually get ahold of and use cool toys. These homebrew posts will mostly be the things ive made for my campaigns, usually at players request, but could also be because I just like to brainstorm scifi tech and how it might fit into the system mechanically.

A stat block for these and a link to files to use them with chummer5 are at the bottom

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Based on the No More Heroes "Beam Katana", a laser sword brought to you by my homebrew experimental technologies developer "Rutsger-Kusanagi". Presenting:

Rutger-Kusanagi C.L.U.B.

The R-K "Contained Laser Utility Blade" is one of those research projects that originated in scifi. The enthusiastic science fiction. Fans working in the research department desperately wanted to make an equivalent to other force field directed energy blades, popular to many science fiction media. After years of research, and flimsy justifications to Joseph Rutger on how it could be used for non combat purposes to gain the funding, the C.L.U.B. was born. A thin extendable frame supports a magnetic containment field holding laser agitated plasma formed out of the bulky hilt.
The C.L.U.B. has 10 charges, each combat turn active costs 1.
It recharges at a rate of 1 per 10 minutes.
Due to its unorthodox properties, it works just as well being swung using the clubs skill as cutting with the blades skill.
Extending the blade and activating it is a complex action.
Wireless Bonus : Extending and activating the blade is a simple action

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There is one more quick weapon I am going to drop in this post, something that I was surprised doesn't have stats in shadowrun5,


One of my players OC uses a Machete as an iconic weapon, iconic enough that we felt it deserved some stats. Not much to say about it, its just a machete.

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and as a little extra, have this homebrew quality as well:

Tactical Analytics

Positive Quality / 5 Karma
Use LOG in place of INT for Combat Manuevers/Small Unit Tactics

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Weapon Stats
C.L.U.B. 10P(Fire) -6 5 1 6000 12R -2 OFF, +10 ON
Machete STR+3p -3 5 1 600 8 +4

[Homebrew 1 Chummer5 Files]

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